Teaching nutrition to students throughout their educational experience is key to developing healthy eating habits.

Healthy meals support schools’ core mission of education, especially when it comes to boosting students’ concentration, focus and cognitive function. Research shows that improved nutrition in schools leads to increased focus and attention, improved test scores and better classroom behavior
Lintons utilizes various nutrition and fitness resources to design posters prominently displayed in your cafeteria. Monthly posters focus on a particular topics which incorporate positive nutrition messages that encourage students to choose healthy meal options and physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle. These consistent messages provide opportunities for students to learn in our supportive nutrition environment
Portion Proportion - September
Learning to listen to you internal hunger clock is part of learning proper portion control.
My Plate- October
Fats are essential to a healthy diet. Good fats derive from nuts, oils and lean meats.
Calcium & Bone Health - November
For stronger bones, there is no better source than dairy foods to provide bone growth.
Food Safety- December
Use different utensils, plates and chopping boards for raw and cooked food.
Snack Attack - January
A healthy snack during the day can curb your appetite
and keep you from overeating at meal time.
Oral Health - February
Eating a variety of nutrient-rich foods from
all the food groups promotes healthy teeth and gums.
Ready, Set...BREAKFAST - March
A nutritious breakfast improves problem-solving
abilities, memory, concentration levels, visual
perception, and creative thinking.
Physical Activity for Healthy Living - April
Find a physical activity you enjoy, and go for it.
If you get bored, try something new. If you’re moving, it counts!
Nutrition Education - May
A healthful diet includes a variety of fruits and vegetables of many colors, whole grains and starches, good fats, and lean proteins.
Eat a Rainbow - June
Fill your plate with colorful foods is an easy way
to access the vitamins and minerals your body needs.