Farm- to-School

Harvest of the Month (HOTM) is a farm-to-school initiative designed to raise awareness of the benefits of eating local fruits and vegetables. HOTM provides materials for students, families, and the community to engage in hands-on opportunities to explore, taste, and learn about the importance of eating fruits and vegetables every day. 

In addition to crafting a theme meal to be enjoyed every month, Lintons has provided online resources for families to learn about HOTM at home. Click on the link below to find this month’s family newsletter, poster, and activity sheet.

February Broccoli

The February Harvest of the Month is Broccoli! Broccoli is one of the most popular garden vegetables to date, mostly because it is very easy to grow. Learn more about the sweet potato with our online resources.

March Dairy

The March Harvest of the Month is Dairy! Dairy products include milk and food products made from milk such as cheese and yogurt. Learn more about dairy with our online resources.

April Lettuce

The April Harvest of the Month is Lettuce! Leafy greens include various types of lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard, watercress, collard greens, mustard greens, turnip greens, and kale. Learn more about lettuce with our online resources.

May Corn

The May Harvest of the Month is Corn! Corn is a member of the cereal grass family, and is related to other grains such as wheat, oats, barley and rice. Learn more about corn with our online resources.

June Strawberry

The June Harvest of the Month is the strawberry! A strawberry has on average 200 seeds and is the only fruit to have seeds on the outside.
Learn more about corn with our online resources.

July Blueberries

The July Harvest of the Month is the blueberry! Native Americans first
called blueberries “star berries” because the blossom end forms
a five-pointed star. Learn more about blueberries with our online resources.

August Tomatoes

The August Harvest of the Month is the Tomato! Tomatoes are a good source of Vitamin C and are technically considered as a fruit! Learn more about the tomato with our online resources.

September Peppers

The September Harvest of the Month is the Pepper! Bell peppers are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Learn more about the pepper with our online resources.

October Apples

The October Harvest of the Month is the Apple! Apples range in color in shades of red, green, and yellow and vary in flavor. Learn more about the apple with our online resources.

November Winter Squash

The November Harvest of the Month is Winter Squash! The most common varieties are acorn, butternut, delicata, spaghetti, buttercup, carnival and hubbard squashes, and pumpkin. Learn more winter squash with our online resources.

December Potatoes

The December Harvest of the Month is the Potato! The potato, a tuber that grows underground, is the #1 crop grown in the United States! Learn more about the potato with our online resources.

January Sweet Potatoes

The January Harvest of the Month is the Sweet Potato! This root vegetable has a skin that varies in color and orange flesh which, as its name suggests, has a natural, sweet flavor! Learn more about the sweet potato with our online resources.